Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sunday night thoughts

Ann Guthrie has started an amazing blog about their journey through infertility and it's inspiring. I'd like to take more time to reflect on what's truly important, talk to God and be a kinder, more patient person. Let's add 'be thankful' to that list, as well.

I'm so incredibly thankful for a healthy daughter. I'm so thankful for a husband with incredible work ethic and a gentle heart. We have a beautiful home, food on the table, clothes in the drawers, water flowing from the pipes. My parents are, literally, the best. I'm not sure how "blessings" work (I don't think that God blesses some more than others) but I feel overwhelmingly blessed. If life is a road trip of hills and valleys, we are coasting through some good times right now. Don't let me forget this someday when we blow a tire.