Sunday, February 12, 2012

three months in!

Our little "AL" is now 14 weeks old! She's, pretty much, the coolest baby ever. We hang out at home a lot but usually venture out at least once a day to Starbucks or Target or... well, mainly those two. She does well on errands, especially when she's in the stroller and the stroller is moving. If the stroller is stopped or if she's in the car - no guarantees. I thought all babies loved car rides?

This is my last month home with her and I'm feeling good about going back to work. I feel so incredibly blessed to have had this time with her but I'm also ready to have somewhere to go and tasks to accomplish outside the house. Best part is, I should get the best of both worlds because she'll be in daycare for three days a week and I'll have her for the other two.  Let's hope that Big Fish continues to be so lax about such a schedule. It helps that my boss, Chris, likes me a lot and the work that I do so he'll do what he can to keep me. I have a feeling that dropping her off at daycare every M/W/F will be painful; but let's not talk about that. 

Audrey is continuing to grow... she was about 12lbs. at her 2 month check-up and is outgrowing her 3 month clothes and diapers pretty quickly. I love that she has chubs. Phil's quote: "She has her daddy's thighs." Not a whole lot of hair on her head but I swear that there's a tinge of red when you look at it in the sunlight.

She's very close to holding up her own head at all times and has discovered her hands - not only that they're fantastic to suck on but that they can hold onto each other. 90% of the time she picks her thumb over her binky which is pretty stinkin' cute. I was kinda caught off guard by the thumb sucking thing; I guess because neither Sophie nor Ellie were into it. It's quite convenient in terms of "self soothing" but could prove to be a tough habit to break later on. We'll just deal with it when it comes... and dip her thumb in hot sauce.

Al's also started "cooing" more and even broke out a laugh the other night when Phil blew raspberries on her tummy. We have yet to get another laugh out of her but that hasn't stopped Phil from trying. She is giving smiles out more generously, though, which thrills us, of course.

This week, we're heading to Wenatchee for the first time. My parents are over the moon, inviting everyone over to meet her. I'm looking forward to it and see the trip as a last "hoorah" before I go back to work. The only part that is questionable is the car ride over. She usually makes it about 45 minutes into a ride before releasing the hounds(speaking of hounds, have I mentioned that Harvey howls at the top of his lungs every time Audrey starts really crying?). Mom is actually taking the train over to help me on the drive since Phil will be in Alaska for work and will fly into Wenatchee on Thursday. The idea of doing the trip alone was a bit daunting so I'm glad Mom is going out of her way to help.

That's it for now - about to head out for a pedicure while Daddy watches the little lady.

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